Deliver the nitrous truck to Sefapane

Started by PZ, October 02, 2009, 08:02:06 AM

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Art Blade

I blew it up on leaving the building, careful with your buddy to be away far enough and out of range of the blast. You can stand much more than him because you have the syrettes for the two of you :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

Art Blade

I've played that mission again, and out of curiosity, I played it without any extra explosives. The garage exploded exactly the same way and remained as destroyed as shown in my previous screenshot. So it's not a glitch.

But I still think the first time I played it (probably before the patches) the garage had more walls standing, or wasn't as badly destroyed. Maybe it's just not remembered correctly. The thing is, the first time I played it, it shocked me to see upon my return to Sefapane that the ruin was still smoldering and it looked ugly. So I decided to skip that mission a couple of times, and now that I do play it again, it surprises me :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


You will notice that after you've blown up the garage, the mercs aren't taking any chances that someone will park another rolling bomb on the doorstep of their Sefapane HQ again, as they've now blocked off that driveway with barricades.  ;D
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"

Art Blade


The funny thing is, they had it blocked before and I didn't expect them to remove the barricades just so I could drive my bomb on wheels in there. They must have really wanted it :)

On a sidenote, I killed all mercs I could find, on both sides of Sefapane, before I blew the truck up. Still, after the explosion, the entire town was crowded again, with both factions sending men in. I ran over to Nasreen to give her a syrette when I noticed the mercs were shooting at each other... another merc war... just try to stay out of the way, and they finish themselves off  ;D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Has anyone tried plastering IEDs all over the building and exploding it (the building) and keeping the truck?

Art Blade

No, because I strongly believe it's all scripted (that blowing-up of the garage). One hint for that theory is the fact that the door doesn't close if you drive the truck in backwards, it has to be forwards, and only then the door closes and your buddy shows up to blow the fuse. Another hint, if you stay in the exit for a while rather than running away as the game suggests, the garage still doesn't blow up, only when you actually walk away from it a bit.
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Sounds most reasonable considering the rest of the game mechanics.  :-X


Quote from: Art Blade on January 24, 2010, 07:38:05 PM
On a sidenote, I killed all mercs I could find, on both sides of Sefapane, before I blew the truck up. Still, after the explosion, the entire town was crowded again, with both factions sending men in.

Funny... I did that mission once killing everybody in town before blowing up the garage and after the blast only two mercs showed up for a nice hair cut  ;)

I thought they were hidden somewhere in town as the killing was happening and only popped their heads off a bit latter to check what was that noise!
Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


Quote from: Art Blade on January 26, 2010, 02:29:39 PM
the door doesn't close if you drive the truck in backwards, it has to be forwards, and only then the door closes and your buddy shows up to blow the fuse.

Oddly enough was playing earlier today, did that exactly, at the time the area was swamped with useless, idle mercs wandering around. So instead of trying to turn the truck round and flatten many mercs in the process I decided to reverse into the garage. Got out, walked around looking for Hakim. Even though it looked like it was all the way in nothing was happening. Jumped back into the cabin, drove out, turned it around carefully avoiding hitting any mercs, that is until one of them stood right in the garage doorway ! (not sure if he was deaf, stupid or just plain cocky).

In the end I did what any self-respecting cyber trucker would do. Hit the quick save then slammed the gas pedal down full whilst bracing myself for the inevitable lead based retaliation.

Said merc got squashed, truck rolled nicely into the garage, then the doors closed. No gun fire, no threats, nothing. BONUS. One less to shoot.

Got me thinking how much would be able to get away with in similar circumstances. Next time I try it reckon i will treat the truck like a dozer blade ;)

The only similar event I've had was when I stuck 6 IED's on a datsun and left it against the barricade in Pala, walked over to the bus station (just in case) and set them off. Made a lot of noise and mess ;D
Fehu, Uruz, Thurisaz, Ansuz, Raido, Kenaz, Gebo, Wunjo, Hagalaz, Nauthiz, Isa, Jera, Eithwaz, Perth, Algiz, Sowilo, Tiwaz, Berkano, Ehwaz, Mannaz, Laguz, Ingwaz, Othila.


Good one Red  :-X

Speaking of the towns, if you have the DLC vehicles, it is fun to stick IEDs on an ATV and drive past the barricades to park in front of one of the faction houses - then climb the church tower to the sniper position and detonate.  Explosive eye candy fireworks for sure.  For added variety, especially if you feel brave, try dropping IEDs around town as well - be sure the mercs don't see you though, or they'll start shooting!  ;D


Quote from: PZ on January 27, 2010, 09:27:28 AM
be sure the mercs don't see you though, or they'll start shooting!  ;D
Made that mistake once and only once. Well, dropping things on the floor is not quite the same as a round from an AS50 through the spine. Is it ??? ::)
Fehu, Uruz, Thurisaz, Ansuz, Raido, Kenaz, Gebo, Wunjo, Hagalaz, Nauthiz, Isa, Jera, Eithwaz, Perth, Algiz, Sowilo, Tiwaz, Berkano, Ehwaz, Mannaz, Laguz, Ingwaz, Othila.


On the subject of IEDs, don't try dropping them into one of the  burning barrels scattered throughout the game. I tried that in the Dogon Village hoping I could step well away and use the IED to spread the fire burning in the oil drum.

All I managed to accomplish was to set the IED off in my face when it hit the fire.   :-[
- mandru
Gramma said "Never turn your back 'till you've cut their heads off"


Thats quality.  Not tried that, I stick them on both ends of the red and yellow ones then roll them towards the target. But even those barrels have a tendency to blow up if rolled through burning grass.
Fehu, Uruz, Thurisaz, Ansuz, Raido, Kenaz, Gebo, Wunjo, Hagalaz, Nauthiz, Isa, Jera, Eithwaz, Perth, Algiz, Sowilo, Tiwaz, Berkano, Ehwaz, Mannaz, Laguz, Ingwaz, Othila.

Art Blade

Going to summarise:

Quote from: JRD on January 27, 2010, 08:11:03 AM
only two mercs showed up for a nice hair cut  ;)

Quote from: RedRaven on January 27, 2010, 08:51:46 AM
In the end I did what any self-respecting cyber trucker would do. Hit the quick save then slammed the gas pedal down full [...] Next time I [...] will treat the truck like a dozer blade ;) [...] I stuck 6 IED's on a datsun and left it against the barricade in Pala [...] and set them off. Made a lot of noise and mess ;D

Quote from: mandru on January 27, 2010, 09:47:56 AM
IEDs, don't try dropping them into one of the  burning barrels [...] set the IED off in my face when it hit the fire.

All of the above made me laugh  ;D :-X :-X :-X

Quote from: PZ on January 27, 2010, 09:27:28 AM
if you have the DLC vehicles, it is fun to stick IEDs on an ATV and drive past the barricades

Works without DLC too, did it, used a buggy :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.

🡱 🡳

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