Hole in the Southern Map.

Started by iGame3D, September 03, 2009, 09:36:48 PM

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Head south from Mosate Selao via boat.
West of Sehlakalase is an island with a diamond.
Approach from the north so you don't get spotted by mortar merc.
Land on the north eastern shore, follow it south by southeast which will turn into a south by southwest approach, you'll be able to clim rocks as you approach the southern side of the island.
By the time you are due south on the island you should be pretty high up, and can jump to the top of the mountain.

What you'll find up here is 'fake forest' sprites that billboard around you, an amazing sniper roost to rain havoc on the brewery and pipeline, and a giant gaping hole in the map.
If you fall through the hole, you'll end up in the water, UNDER the terrain, a loading icon appears as well, not sure what its loading.
DO NOT DIVE UNDER WATER, there is no return and you'll die, your buddy will rescue you to the brewery shore, nasty.

I discovered this all a week ago, then actually fell through the whole yesterday, haven't explored since I thought "Well how deep is the water?" infinite, and deadly.

Enjoy the glitch, hope I find more.


Welcome iGame3D
That's just the kind of valuable info we appreciate the most!

A nice way to spread havoc... great find  :-X

Artificial Intelligence is no match for Natural Stupidity


SWEEET FIND IGame3D. Sounds like a new tourist spot for these blood-thirsty lads on site. I hope it's not too crowded, otherwise it'll be like opening of fish season.
The sun is over the yardarm somewhere in the world..time for a beer :)  :)


Thought you guys would appreciate it.
Forgot to mention, when your buddy saves you,  you will come back to life and still be swimming, you can't move even though you are on dry land and are a sitting duck.

Maybe its safer to try this after the brewery has been slaughtered toward the end of the game, although that only happened one time I played, the others I was sent to Sedeko and it was destroyed.

Think I'll go jump in the hole and find out what I can find out.


welcome iGame3D.  what an entrance - finding something great to share!  I'll bet all of us will be trying this one out this weekend.  :-X
http://mygamepages.com  forums and member created pages


Ok tried it again. When you first get up the mountain, try moving around a bit, get a feel for the land, eventually when you come through the billboard forest you'll see huge chunks of map, totally squared off, and the gaping hole into the nether world. If you move toward this facing it, the engine will then render the scene and you won't fall through.

However, if you move backward, then the terrain won't be rendered and you'll fall in.
Seemed to w@&k best by reaching the most western end, then moving kind of south and east, took some experimenting, the first time I fell in by accident.

What I discovered is, as long as you remain under the island all is well, and you get to swim around with a mouse eye view of the grass, rocks, and sky. BUT if you try to move away from the island you are forced underwater at the shore line and can't get back to the surface, returning to the safety of the under island will allow you to breath again.

This time when I was saved by my buddy I was able to move around and start killing, but was kind of unprepared to be dropped dead in the middle of every guy at the brewery.

This is on the XBOX 360 btw. You may get different results on different hardware.

Going to try to get a boat at full speed to park on the island and see if I can't get back onto the boat instead of drowning.

Oh and you will be forced underwater when you approach the large rock objects that make up some of the shoreline of the island. Where there is grass and trees its safe, but where the rocks make up the island's coast, the terrain itself must be very deep and you are forced down. The rock objects at the center of the island are safe.

Art Blade

Welcome to OWG, iGame3D :)

As spaceboy said, what an entrance... nice info, mate  :-X Sounds like you are all deeds and exploration. And crazy  ;D :-X Just the kind of player who comes up with stories like these, hehe - and this is just the kind of place for it. We're all ears, if you find more :) I can't check right away because I am currently on my third through at 12% = Leboa. Might have to dig up some saves from previous careers though
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Thanks for the welcome.
No luck with a boat, always just out of reach, but I really haven't parked it on dry land.

There is a rock object on the north of the island, if you approach it from the south, heading north and hit it just right and ever so gently you can stand. I managed to jump to another part of it, but can't reproduce that.

Tried swimming to the small island to the east but was down to 5% health by then with no escape, just as I could gasp some air...death. The checkpoint to the west and the port north are about double the distance so there's no hope there. If you have some kind of god mode cheat then maybe you can survive long enough to explore this to its fullest.

Oh, saved at Mikes, approached safely from there using a faster boat.
Brought a MGL and a flare gun, from the rock launched a barrage of shots, set stuff on fire, it burns you when you poke your head through the landscape. Also attracted a boat patrol, but they couldn't see me, even when I was right at the shoreline in front of them. Imagine what it must look like, a head in the grass.

The large rocks that make up the center of the island, are several objects, when you are on the north side of the island a whole bunch of them don't render, one far south does, so I fired 24 MGL rounds at it, nothing happened, until I approached and everything rendered and 24 simultaneous explosions.

If you are on a PC don't have anything important open, I had a hard crash during the "loading" at least once. Another time I must have been at some kind of intersection of the rock objects and the landscape sectors because I fell into whiteness with some debris floating about, then everything went black.

A better hint at finding the way up.
On the east side of the island, you'll find some pointy parts of the landscape, its two in a row one behind the other up the mountain. Just a little further south, there is grass going up the mountain and a very hard edged crease, jump into that, then jump to the next grassy section, follow the grassy areas up, eventually you'll have to do some jumping to force your way to the top.

Sure wish I could make a video of this.
I spent my first early game jumping hard against every edge I could find, trying to find the diamonds and secret paths. You'd laugh at the number of times I did this, only to find an easy grassy path to a diamond just feet away. Even sillier, how many times I did this in the pitch black of night in some jungle. Surprised I haven't found anymore strange places to visit.

Now I know why they don't let you on the pinnacles of high mountains, without things to block the view it has to render too much too slowly and erases what's behind you to do that. One step backward and into the outer limits!


I think I stumbled across the same place once, though I was using the high jump trainer cheat. With that, you can get yourself into all sorts of trouble falling through map holes. I have a video of the one near the pipeline, it's at the end of one of my funny videos on youtube, forget which one.

You're completely right about the map rendering when you're up high, there are even some places you can get to with a hang glider without cheating that don't render right. I remember the first things I did in the game was try to get to the high spots. There is a map hole you can get to without cheating near the hang glider above the chemical plant in the north. Walk up to the waterfall behind the glider and jump up on the rocks to the left of it, and keep jumping up until you can't get any higher. It will have to load the map and you can look below you and see nothing, then when you walk back down the rocks, if you don't go in exactly the right spot, you'll fall through a hole. Another is the valley behind the safehouse where you meet the king's son. There is an invisible wall you can't get through, but if you go up & to the left, you can make your way around it and eventaully fall through the map.

With the high jump cheat, you can hop over the invisible walls and find all sorts of holes. Matter of fact, I don't think there's any collision rendered above a certain height anyway, and trying to walk on any of that ground will get you a quick trip to the global water level, where you can swim to the inside of the terrain and not get through.

Funny thing about dying there and being rescued, not sure I was ever given the chance, just dead & reload, or the game would crash.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

All this sounds like a blend of the movies "The 13th Floor" and "TRON"  :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Yeah, throw in some Twilight Zone music too.   ;)

Only time I've found holes is trying to get into the Heart of Darkness
before your suppose to, by jumping up ledges and rocks, etc.
I'd get sooo close, then the rendering would get strange and I'd fall to hell.
           without even being told for a change.   ;D
"A living thing seeks above all to discharge its strength--life itself is will to power..."

Art Blade

finding holes... sounds like exploring a golf course called heart of darkness  ;D

There is one more hole, inside a rock, next to a guard post. Only some geologic freak merc beat us to it, and he'll shoot us when we want to find out more about it  ;)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Quote from: Art Blade on September 04, 2009, 02:17:27 PM
There is one more hole, inside a rock, next to a guard post. Only some geologic freak merc beat us to it, and he'll shoot us when we want to find out more about it  ;)

Ah yes, I'm familiar with Rock Man. You can get the bugger with a grenade, if you throw it close to the GP-side of his rock.

And welcome to the site, iGame3D, great opening post! :-X


Once I fell through a hole on the mountain west of the pond north of the Cattle Ranch on the PS3. Was driving an ATV as fast as I could to try to get to the top, but then fell though.  I'll look for the one iGame3D mentioned - always looking to experience something new in FC2 (still can't put it away).  In fact, I couldn't resist the temptation to pop FC2 back into the PS3 this morning (sorry Fuel guys).

Welcome to OWG iGame3D:

  • Do you really game in 3D? (I ask because of your name, which kind of suggests that you play on the Mac as well)
  • You mentioned wanting to record video - have you looked at the relatively inexpensive USB TV cards?  Less than $100 will get you a HD TV card that you can use to watch TV, and more importantly, record analog input from your xBox.
  • From reading your posts, you seem to enjoy experimenting with FC2 - just like most of us here.  I hope you enjoy catching up on the numerous posts - there are too many gems (no pun) in the forums to list them all.

Art Blade

I noticed there is a iGame3D.com site... mac indeed, see his game plaforms info next to his avatar (lol couldn't resist mentioning it)

Off topic (Map Hole in Northern Map) :) :

There is another hole you can quite easily reach. I use it for Marty's side mission to kill the car dealer in Mokuba. Just walk to the RPG merc and check for the big tree (left in the first pic) where you can almost walk up the grassy slope (well, jump once or twice). Keep walking up and check the map where you want to go (Target in Mokuba). I deviated for you guys so you can see it is a hole there, you can actually cross map sections. You'll then see a loading screen, it just loads data for the area, then you're just where you were before the loading screen and can walk on. Careful, you can walk up the waterfall in Mokuba, but you might get trapped if you slide down the fall. However, it's an easy way to solve that mission :)

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[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Wow that's a cool hack, going to have to try that.

And yep igame3d.com is my site and my software and of course I play 3D games, just not so much on the Mac especially now since all the developers flocked to the iPhone or spin casual games for the tweens and soccer moms.
Xbox fills the void, and the poor PS2 just collects dust now.

Can't do video cards, since I have an iMac, and of course it wouldn't w@&k on the Xbox.

Oh you know what, I have a Dazzle DV bridge I haven't used in ages, theoretically I could hook it up to the Xbox and my Mac. I have a mac mini sitting next to the Xbox. I might just be able to put up a video without much w@&k at all. Thanks for reminding me.

I'll take this moment of off-topicness to thank you guys for all the tips.
I dropped in here via google a while back looking for cheats, and found the "turn off your headlights" tip, a life saver, didn't even know there were headlight controls until reading that. Basically was smashing into things so often the lights just didn't w@&k anymore.

Didn't think I was going to need to sign up to any forums for an Xbox game, but dropped by Ubisoft's site because the urge to express my gratitude to the developers and to list my desires for FC3 was too much. Only found whiners and cry babies there.

"Why is everyone trying to kill me?" ROFLMAO!

Then found the hole and this seemed like exactly the right place to post about it.

Have been getting my humor fix with your experiences in the game, its like having an extra play experience, but without being too busy surviving it to stop and say "Hey, that was pretty damn funny and amazing."

Art Blade

heh heh heh  ;D ;D ;D So you made it to the right spot  :-X We don't have whiners and flamers here, probably because they instantly know that this is not the place for them and because those who post (and read) here are refreshingly OLD  ;D Here you can talk about a ZX81 or video recorders or LPs and recordplayers, and the people here REMEMBER those things  ;D
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Quote from: Art Blade on September 05, 2009, 12:55:30 PM
heh heh heh  ;D ;D ;D So you made it to the right spot  :-X We don't have whiners and flamers here, probably because they instantly know that this is not the place for them and because those who post (and read) here are refreshingly OLD  ;D Here you can talk about a ZX81 or video recorders or LPs and recordplayers, and the people here REMEMBER those things  ;D

We not only remember them, we actually USED them :))

Art Blade

or, USE :) I still have thousands of real vinyl, the original stuff, and recently bought a new turntable/recordplayer :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


I recently purchased a USB turntable to copy my old albums into mp3s - sure does feel good to have the old tunes in digital format.

Oldsters rule  :-X

Art Blade

for that matter I bought a USB amplifier for my turntable so I can use any turntable but the amp will be recognised by the PC as some audio hardware, like a sound card, and by that I can make mp3 copies of my vinyls :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


PZ was that unit one from Costco? I saw one in Costco for $150. I pointed it out to the missus and said "Hey, that's cool. I should get one." She gives me a look and says "What the hell do you want that for? Do you need it?"  I was gonna reply about her buying tops, skirts and dresses that sit in her closet but thought the smack up along side of my head would be an emabarrassment in the store. So I just kept quiet.
The sun is over the yardarm somewhere in the world..time for a beer :)  :)

Art Blade

Gord, return to that shop immediately after offering to buy her a top, skirt or dress first  :)
[titlebar]Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.[/titlebar]What doesn't kill us, makes us weirder.


Yeah Gord, that was at Costco, but at the time I purchased it, was only $99 or something like that (might have been a special).  I did the purchase from Costco Online which often has different pricing than in the stores.

Works like a charm, is a decent turn table, and comes with all the software you need to rip your favs into mp3.  Some of the albums I have are not obtainable today - for instance a comedy record of the Kennedy First Family when John was in office - hilarious!


Thanx PZ. I gotta w@&k on the wife now.  I talked to my daughter and she will apply some pressure from her end. She's in Houston, Texas and often helps he poor old pop out in situations.  lol
The sun is over the yardarm somewhere in the world..time for a beer :)  :)

🡱 🡳

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