No Man's Sky

Started by Dweller_Benthos, March 11, 2017, 05:32:06 PM

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"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Yeah I was following the ARG for a while then lost interest, mostly because all those fancy websites that hold all the clues take forever and a day to open on my connection at home and there are other things to do when I'm at w0#k like posting here. So I stopped looking at it, but I guess the update is near and I think they are finally adding the portals that were teased so long ago and I think a new alien race? Like I said, I haven't really been keeping track.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

me neither.. not interested until the update has arrived


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"


Downloading now, 4GB, so it's substantial. A new quest based story? What game is this??? It might actually be worth playing now.

Terrain editing too? Whelp, expect space dicks in 3... 2.... 1.....
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."



If I look at the list of added features is definitely seems worth a try. But I'm very, véry sceptic tbh :anigrin:
"No hay luz"

Art Blade

 ??? :huh-new: :o :laughsm:


wow. Crazy :)

and lol @ space dicks :D


"AAA games is a job, except you're the one paying for it" -Jim Sterling

"Graphics don't matter, it's all about visibility"

Art Blade

wow. It took me until now to finish reading the change log. That's a massive overhaul. One thing I noticed is this:

Improved Pirate systems including the ability to negotiate or call in support and something about guilds for explorers, mercenaries and traders.

Maybe, maybe the bloody pirates won't ruin it for people like fragger and myself anymore.

The worst about this game for me is how long it took to get to a point when I had a feeling of having achieved some level of wealth, how much time I spent learning the Gek language and other languages (I really had a ton of words for some languages) and the gear I had acquired such as a proper ship and multi-tool.

And then they took it away from me, from all of us who had spent a considerable amount of time.

I am still angry at that because it WASN'T EARLY ACCESS nor was it BETA. I paid for a game that was fun at first and then.. we all know what "then" means. I'm kind of tired of that *bleep*.

I'll wait before I touch that game.


Tried out the new update last night. A lot of new stuff to look at, various quests, stuff to make, buy and sell, and apparently new creatures and portals which I haven't seen yet. One thing changed is planetary biomes, which is cool, so supposedly, each planet will have different ecosystems and not be just all the same. The problem with that is, any planets you've already discovered may be different now (same thing happened in Minecraft when they changed to biomes, c'est la vie) but anyway, my base, which used to be in the middle of a grassy plain with plants around is now in a barren tundra, see this shot and compare to the first post in this thread:

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I'm kinda bummed my lush purple grass is gone, but eh, that's how it goes. I may move my base once I find a new place, so I'm not going to do much with this one. Right now I'm on the quest to get the blueprints to build, wait for it..... this is epic..... yes, you heard it here first..... 

Storage containers!!!!!

Yep, a place to put all those stupid Atlas balls that were clogging up your inventory. Not to mention the tons of iron you need to build anything, and to get glass I need something called frost crystals I think, which are supposedly on one of the planets in this system but I haven't found any yet, and I want windows to see out of, dammit!

You can also recall your ship from anywhere, I guess, which I haven't tried yet, so that is a nice feature when you're out roaming and don't want to hike all the way back to the ship.

Some other things I noticed about loading my old game, either they added a lot of language or it didn't load a lot of what I already learned because I was 100% complete, or nearly so, in the Vy'keen language but now it seems I don't know much again. Looking at my old discoveries, there are a few glitches there, which might be to do with the change in the planetary biomes, as I have my lists of creatures where it will say I've found 3 of 8 and then in the list there's 10 creatures there. Same with locations, I guess there's only supposed to be six per planet now? Most of mine show something like "28 of 6 locations discovered" so go figure.

With the teleporter, it's a lot easier to get from your base to the space station to do some trading, then get back, which is nice too.

I would say the update is worth it, but I kinda wish I hadn't played it before, as now it's almost a different experience.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

funny post :) Particularly the part with the windows :anigrin:

You're more or less confirming what I suspected and have been fearing: all of the old experience is out the glassless window, so to speak. I don't want to lose everything and start over yet again.. :'( At least I haven't played more than a few minutes after the last couple of updates so I'm not going to lose much. But still. I have lost the old progress. And I had flown through several galaxies.


There are some good things that have been changed. Scanning for animals and materials, you can just hold down the scan button and look around, listening for the new item noise. Before, you had to keep going back to scan mode each time. Makes scanning much easier.

The suit has some "large storage" spaces, but I haven't unlocked them yet. It also has technology slots the I need to figure out how to put stuff in. Same with the ship. Ships and tools are also graded now, mine are both "C" grade, I would presume there's "B" and "A" grades that are better?

Found a glitch, here's a video:

A couple screens, one of the big animals I found, next to my ship for scale:

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There are now crashed freighters, they are huge, but so far I haven't found any good loot, but then again, this is the only one I've found:

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My ship is in the distance, just in front of the bulbous trees. Here's a shot flying by:

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So, some new stuff. As far as starting a new game, you can always try your old save and then see how it goes.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."

Art Blade

oh man, that glitch is quite bad.. teleporting to a spot outside the station and outside the playable area isn't funny at all.

You seem to have a rather tiny ship which makes animals look rather big :anigrin: Alright, they are big. :bigsmile:

Any pirates?


So far I have seen no pirates, but I haven't been doing a lot of space flight either. I need to get to the other planets in this system, then find a system I can hire a Korvax to be my science guy back at my base. I think it's Korvax, those robot dudes. Anyway, I think a system or two back had them in it, need to get there. I also ran into a member of the new species in the update, no idea what their name is, didn't make a note of it.

When talking to the various aliens, especially in trading posts, there's more of them to talk to, and they have more options. You can outright pay them and see what you get, or give them something you have like a dagger and you'll get a different response, or just ask a question. Some might tell you to keep moving, others might give you information. The trading posts aren't bustling with crowds, but at least it's not just that one dude hanging out in the corner anymore. Same goes for space stations, there's usually 3 or 4 random dudes around, aside from the ones manning the trade stations where you get new blueprints to build stuff or new quests.

I finished the quest to get the blueprint to build storage units, but I can't build them because I need a certain component that I don't know how to make. I've been flying around stopping at any place I see to check if any of them have the blueprint for that, but no luck yet. Got stuck at one place with no plutonium to take off with and there was absolutely none in the immediate area. I lucked out and found a few of those boxes that have it, but it still wasn't enough. I loaded a mod that reduces the plutonium needed to take off from 25% to 6%, I figure a good compromise to just getting rid of the need for plutonium completely.
"You've read it, you can't un-read it."


Hmm. Weird that you already run into these types of trouble that quick.  :undecided-new:
"No hay luz"

🡱 🡳

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